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TED Radio Hour

The TED Radio Hour is a narrative journey through fascinating ideas, astonishing inventions, fresh approaches to old problems, and new ways to think and create.

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  • TED Radio Hour: Cuts Both Ways

    Cuts Both Ways

    There are two sides to every coin — and sometimes our strengths become weaknesses. This hour, TED speakers explore the mixed blessings and volatile flip sides of mental health, parenting and AI.

  • caption: TED Radio Hour: Secrets to Successful Teamwork

    Secrets to successful teamwork

    We all work in teams, from families, to companies, and everything in between. So what's the secret to doing it better? This hour, TED speakers share surprising strategies for successful teamwork.

  • caption: TED The Way We Work series. Episode 03: How To Lead in A Crisis: Humility, transparency and urgency are the keys to successfully steering an organization —  big or small — through the challenges that come your way. Leadership expert Amy Edmondson provides clear advice and examples to help any leader rise to the occasion. Photo courtesy of TED.

    Want a high-functioning team? Start disagreeing

    Good teams see conflict as an opportunity to catch mistakes and learn from them. Social psychologist Amy Edmondson shares the secret recipe for turning a group of strangers into an effective team.

  • TED Radio Hour: Friction


    We encounter friction every day—in all its forms—as we brush our teeth, go for a jog, argue with a friend. This hour, TED speakers explore how this force can be dialed up or down to improve our lives.

  • caption:  Costume by Machine Dazzle for Taylor Mac in “A 24-Decade History of Popular Music”

    The State of Fashion

    Whether you love or hate fashion, we all have to get dressed in the morning. And the industry affects us in complex ways. This hour, the outrageous, environmental, and seedy sides of fashion.

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    What really happens to the clothes we send back

    Returns from online retail shopping have created logistical and environmental nightmares. Former UPS executive Aparna Mehta and reporter Amanda Mull explain what really happens to our returns.

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    The day the dinosaurs died

    What happened in the days, even hours, after an asteroid set off the fifth extinction? A New Jersey quarry, and site of a new museum founded by paleontologist Ken Lacovara, sheds light on the mystery.