Seattle Police Chief stepping down Seattle Police Chief Kathleen O'Toole will step down at the end of the year. She’ll hand the police department’s top job to Deputy Chief Carmen Best,... Lisa Brooks Kate OConnell
Can police officers be trained to discard their racial biases? After a white police officer killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, there were months of protest across the country, including Seattle. New... Kim Malcolm Katherine Banwell
Are Seattle police trained to respond to a shooter firing from above? In the wake of the Las Vegas attack, King County and Seattle law enforcement are considering training officers to deal with an elevated shooter... Kate OConnell
King County rolls out Miranda rights tailored for young people "You have the right to remain silent." Most people can recite at least the first line of the Miranda warning used by police when arresting people. The... Patricia Murphy
Seattle Police Department doesn't track hate crimes well, says city auditor A new report says Seattle police may have been underreporting hate crimes. This after Police Department’s own findings showed a substantial increase in... Patricia Murphy
If bike share has people skipping the helmet, it's not leading to tickets It's illegal to ride a bike without wearing a helmet in Seattle and greater King County. Since three bike sharing companies launched in the city,... Paige Browning
Ask a cop, get beyond 'protect and serve' “To protect and serve.” That’s the motto of many police agencies. But recent police shootings in Seattle and around the nation have undermined respect for the job cops do. John O'Brien Ahlaam Ibraahim
King County calls for de-escalation training for all deputies King County officials are calling on the sheriff's office to improve its de-escalation protocols. This week, the King County Council passed a measure... Paige Browning
Lawsuit targets police officers in Charleena Lyles shooting A wrongful death lawsuit was filed Friday against the two Seattle police officers who shot Charleena Lyles. Gil Aegerter Rob Wood
Family of Burien man shot by police sues King County, sheriff The family of a 20-year-old Burien man shot dead by police in June is suing King County, the county Sheriff's Office and Sheriff John Urquhart alleging... Ann Dornfeld